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Insurance 101

Grab a cup of Joe and settle into a cozy space, because we’ve got work to do! Most American’s have insurance, but most American’s remain extremely confused about their insurance, how it works, what they are paying for, and why they are paying for it. This article is an education in all things insurance and it is guaranteed to empower your healthcare choices moving forward.

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Integrative Health: Combining Traditional & Alternative Therapies

Integrative Health is an approach that blends traditional medicine and therapies with non-traditional healing practices, that aims to help the whole person comprehensively, as well as address the interconnected facets of well-being, including mind, body, and spirit.

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Identity Exploration: Figuring Out Who You Are

In the journey of life, one of the most significant quests for adolescents and young adults is to understand who they truly are. This process, known as identity exploration, involves delving deep into one's values, beliefs, interests, and experiences to form a coherent sense of self.

Identity isn't fixed; it evolves over time through various stages of development and life experiences.

Understanding and embracing this concept can profoundly impact the lives of young individuals as they navigate through the complexities of adolescence and emerging adulthood.

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The Power of Truth: Unleashing Healing and Growth in Therapy

In the realm of therapy and personal transformation, there is one fundamental aspect that holds immense power: speaking the truth. As a licensed therapist, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that truth-telling can have on an individual's journey towards healing and self-discovery. In this blog post, we will explore the vital role of truth-telling in the therapeutic process and its ability to unlock inner healing, foster authenticity, and ignite profound personal transformation.

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Trauma, Mental Health Tips, Self-Care Dezryelle Clouse Trauma, Mental Health Tips, Self-Care Dezryelle Clouse

From Trauma to Triumph: Unraveling the Complex Connection Between Trauma and High Achievement

Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that can leave lasting imprints on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. While trauma is often associated with adverse effects on one's life, it is essential to recognize that some individuals develop coping mechanisms that propel them towards high achievement. In this article, we will explore the relationship between trauma and high achievement, delving into the neurobiology behind trauma and its impact on the flight/fight/freeze response. Additionally, we will identify ten signs that may indicate high achievement is rooted in trauma, and provide ten mindful and embodied strategies to manage the potentially problematic aspects of being a high achiever.

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How To Release Shame From Your Body

We all experienced shame to different degrees. Those painful moments of feeling exposed or rejected and all you want is to disappear. While it is a common experience, it is rarely acknowledged in our culture. If you are struggling with shame, feeling unworthy, or uncomfortable with who you are - you are not alone. You may be trying to avoid it because of its discomfort, but the longer you avoid it, the heavier it becomes.

The good news is it is possible to release shame from your body as you learn to skillfully navigate and move through feelings of shame. Shame does not need to determine how you express yourself or prevent you from showing up authentically and fully in your life.

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When Grief Goes Unacknowledged: Managing Disenfranchised Grief.

We often think grieving occurs after the loss and death of someone we love. However, we experience grief in multiple aspects of our lives, not just in death. When our experiences of grief are not understood or spoken about by society or those around us, this leads to what is called disenfranchised grief.

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What To Do When You Feel Directionless?

Life can often feel full of detours, roadblocks, and outdated signs. With so many different pressures in life… financial pressure, pressure to feel accepted by others, pressure for recognition, pressure to be productive… we often feel underprepared, uncertain, and disconnected from our personal mission or purpose. There are so many things directing us every which way, which at times can cause us to lose sight of where we were going in the first place. It can feel like the GPS is blurting out directions seemingly at random, leaving you to feel directionless, lost and aimless.

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Mental Health Treatment, Self-Care, Relationships Serena Sherrill, LICSW Mental Health Treatment, Self-Care, Relationships Serena Sherrill, LICSW

Reparenting Your Inner Child

We all have younger “parts” within us. As we grow and develop, our younger selves don’t disappear along the journey. As adults, when we feel triggered and can’t understand why, it’s likely stemming from childhood wounding. We replay responses to experiences from childhood in unconscious ways. Often acting or reacting from a place of unconscious wounding. Our bodies and our inner child is replaying ways to seek safety.

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National Suicide Prevention Month: A Mindful Approach To Discussing Suicide

This is a month dedicated to erasing stigma around mental illness and cultivating safe spaces to discuss suicide. As mental health professionals and specialists in the area of suicide prevention and crisis response, this topic is very important to us and the work that we do in the community.

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Pride Month: LGBTQ Self-Advocacy In Healthcare

Navigating the healthcare system can be an extremely vulnerable and sensitive process. The LGBTQIA2S+ communities have been disproportionately affected by healthcare discrimination and have a history of health oppression. For many trans, queer, and non-conforming individuals, being educated about their healthcare needs is a necessity and self-advocacy can help us to get the care we need and deserve from a system set up against us. Self-advocacy is when you speak for yourself, understand your rights, and ask for what you need. LGBTQ self-advocacy requires self-awareness, assertiveness, and preparation.

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Self-Care Monique Ngo, LMFT Self-Care Monique Ngo, LMFT

Developing A Relationship With Yourself Through Self-Care

I truly believe that we have everything we need within ourselves. By that, I mean that more often than not, our bodies give us clues as to what we are needing. Stomach growling? It’s time to eat. Eyes are straining and heavy? Time to sleep or rest your eyes. Feeling sad? Maybe you need to cry and release some pent up feelings. Taking care of yourself can also simply be waking up in the morning, getting out of bed, washing your face, brushing your teeth, then getting ready for the day. Taking care of yourself can also include recognizing that there is a major stressor in your life that you are struggling to manage and seeking help. Self-care is a lifelong practice to help maintain your overall health and wellbeing. When we take care of ourselves, we can more fully show up in our lives.

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