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Insurance 101

Grab a cup of Joe and settle into a cozy space, because we’ve got work to do! Most American’s have insurance, but most American’s remain extremely confused about their insurance, how it works, what they are paying for, and why they are paying for it. This article is an education in all things insurance and it is guaranteed to empower your healthcare choices moving forward.

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Identity Exploration: Figuring Out Who You Are

In the journey of life, one of the most significant quests for adolescents and young adults is to understand who they truly are. This process, known as identity exploration, involves delving deep into one's values, beliefs, interests, and experiences to form a coherent sense of self.

Identity isn't fixed; it evolves over time through various stages of development and life experiences.

Understanding and embracing this concept can profoundly impact the lives of young individuals as they navigate through the complexities of adolescence and emerging adulthood.

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