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Insurance 101
Grab a cup of Joe and settle into a cozy space, because we’ve got work to do! Most American’s have insurance, but most American’s remain extremely confused about their insurance, how it works, what they are paying for, and why they are paying for it. This article is an education in all things insurance and it is guaranteed to empower your healthcare choices moving forward.
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Finding Motivation In The Mundane
During the COVID19 Pandemic, we have all had moments over the past few months where we have felt lost, purposeless, aimless, or at least frustrated at the new limitations impacting our lives. Most of us are staring at the same walls and same people everyday, making it difficult to find creativity and motivation. I have seen varied reactions to the pandemic, from anger, to distress, to listlessness and, worst of all, hopelessness, as well as difficulty getting out of bed, going to work (even just remotely), eating food, socializing with people you love, or engaging in self-care.
Trusting Your Inner Voice
Trusting yourself is about learning to listen to yourself. It’s weeding through the brain babble, the judgmental or manipulative voices of others, the voices of doubt, fear, and shame. Searching through all of that to find where your feelings, wants, needs, and beliefs truly lie, which is a complex process. It’s not just about finding the “right way” to feel or think. We are allowed to have multiple opinions and feelings about the same thing at the same time. The point is that they are ours. Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will inevitably be shaped by our world, but in this exercise we get to decide how we are shaped by what we experience. We get to decide what to do with a piece of advice we received in a way that feels real and meaningful to us. The choice is yours, but its not so easy to put yourself in the driver’s seat. We tend to need to practice hearing, trusting, and valuing our own voice.